Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I am getting to the point in my training where I am handling calls and given more responsibility. Most of the time, I am allowed to drive. I love driving the police car and I hate it. Let me explain.

When I am sitting in the passenger seat, I can concentrate on one or two things at a time. I hear the radio, I can write down the calls as they come in and I can be on the lookout for anything else.

However, when I am driving, I have to drive safely, write down the calls as they come in, know where are my area partners are, be aware of my surroundings, look up the location of the calls in the mapbook and possibly answer my phone when my area partners call me with information on a call I may be heading to. That is quite a bit of multi-tasking. It is too bad I can't use my GPS while training. That would help.

It is super fun to drive a police car around, but it is also stressful and tiring. It is slowly getting easier, but I am still not 100% comfortable with it.

So with all the added responsibilities, I sometimes miss the little things. The other night I forgot to write in the number of phone calls my prisoner made at the jail phones. Really, not a big deal, but my training officer was behind me when it was kicked back at the jail and he rolled his eyes and said, "Come on!" It was embarassing, but I won't make that mistake again. LOL

On a positive note, when the shit hits the fan, I do well. I had a drunk lady the other night that went to take a bite out of a fireman. I was in the correct position and I took her to the ground before she knew what hit her.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a drunk male take a swing at me. Just by the way he was looking at me, I knew it was coming. I ducked and took him promptly to the dirt. I have never had anyone take a swing at me in my adult life. So I was suprised and relieved that it went so well. Go training!

I have started making checklists for the things I need to do for each type of call. Hopefully this way I won't forget the minor details along the way. There are so many pieces of paperwork that are different depending on what kind of call you get. I am suprised that my partner can remember them all. I suppose after you have done each kind of call a few times, it is not a big deal. I have done a few warrants and they are pretty easy now.

I am still at the point where certain calls I go to are a first for me. I had my first dead body call last month. I had my first mayhem call last weekend. So I had to look up the elements for mayhem to make sure the crime fit the event. It did. Ewwwww.

I love this job and I will get better. I am just at that point where I am teetering on sort of knowing what to do. I will keep telling myself that it will get easier. Anyone who said this job is easy, is full of shit. =)


  1. Good luck with the multi tasking. Are you sure it's in the male Gene code?

  2. Ha! Cop calls seem like old hat after years...and then you get those calls that are a first. So there will always be those that are first timers. And that is what makes our job interesting...and we have the box seats to pure entertainment. Stay safe out there.
