Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Unchaosyness...I made up a word!

Lately, it has been slower than molasses in January. There has been fog at night and freezing cold weather...for California. It has been down to 40 degrees people! That is way too cold to stab your homies!
I am due to work tomorrow night and I am hoping for something, anything to happen. I see that it is supposed to rain again this weekend. Blech. Gangsters like the rain about as much as I do it seems.

That brings me to a thought. When people hear that I am going on patrol when I talk to them, they say something like, "I hope it is a slow night!" or "I hope the criminals stay indoors for you!" To which I usually reply, "I hope not!" At this point I get a strange, "What is wrong with you?" look.

Do I want people to get hurt? No. In fact part of the reason I do this job is to keep people from getting hurt. Do I want all hell to break loose in my city when I go to work? Oh yes. I think this is only something the patrol officer who really loves his/her job can understand. Is this mental? Probably. Do I care that I am possibly mental? Nope.

You are sitting in your black and white on a slow night. A call comes out of unknown trouble at a local night club. You get there and people are all over the place, some of them are bleeding and they are all looking to you to do something about it, they are all trying to talk to you at once and they are all drunk. Who is a victim and who is a suspect? What happened? When did this happen? Where did the actual crime occur, was it at the club or did it just end here? Why did the crime occur?
Ahhh...chaos. Love it. Making sense out of the nonsense.

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