Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So, I work hard to find crime.  I really do.  I stop cars, pedestrians, and bicyclists.  I drive around the shit areas looking for hidden nuggets of felony gold.  I like to stay busy.  I hate just sitting around.  Drives me insane.

I haven't really had yet what I would call a big bust.  In the city where I work, it is easy to find a little bit of tweak.  Drunk drivers are all over the place.  I can pretty much go to jail every night, assuming the call board is not overrun with BS calls.

I am noticing a trend lately, and I am wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.  The really good stops I have gotten lately, just fall into my lap, complete with bow and ribbon.

I am sitting at a red light the other night and this guy drives right by me and runs the red light.  It was bright red!  What the hell?  Didn't you see the cop car?  It ends up being a great car stop.

Car almost crashes in to me making this shitty u-turn.  Drunk driver that blows three times the legal limit.

I hear a crash on the side of the road, on a major street.  It ends up being two bangers stealing tons of crap from a huge illegal grow house.  There was literally a trail of soil from my location, to the grow house.  It was funny as shit.  Ridiculous!

I am not complaining, it just seems like cheating.  I seem to have all this stuff falling into my lap lately.  It almost doesn't count.

It makes me laugh.  Before I became a cop, I used to think street criminals were smart and devious and it would be difficult to outsmart them.  Now I have realized, if they were smart, they would work on Wall Street and be a legitimate criminal.

Rinse and repeat.

Last Friday night, I am driving in one of our gang/drug areas and this car cuts me off.  It was bad enough that I had to hit the brakes to avoid hitting him.  I light him up and he pulls over.

Me: Hmm...say, don't I know you from somewhere?  Oh yeah, I arrested you last month for possession of meth.  Wasn't that a Friday night?

Repeat Randy: Yeah.

Me: Weren't you in this same car with another fine upstanding gentleman about 20 feet from here?

Repeat Randy: Yes.

Me: Did you bail out or something?

Repeat Randy: Nah, the DA dropped the charges.

(What the fuck?!?  I did not even get a summons to court and neither did my partner!)

Me: Ok then.  Do you have anything illegal in your car today?

Repeat Randy: No.

Me:  Do you mind if I have a look?

Repeat Randy: Go ahead.

So, we do.  And what do we find?  A little dime bag of cocaine!

This time we tow his car, as he is parked in front of a driveway.  At the very least, he will have to pay to get his car out of jail.  I have no idea why the DA decided to boot his last case.  Lame sauce.

So let's recap.  Same guy, same location, same day of week and same time of day.  At least it was a different drug. 

See you next month, Randy!